Thank you for letting me know about new meshes! Keeping track of everything can be overwhelming!

Unfortunately, however, I cannot respond to questions about upcoming kits because quite simply, if it’s not released, then I don’t know yet!!

I’m constantly in contact with various Mesh Makers, trying to arrange for more and better kits, but even once I have a green light, mesh makers change minds, I find UV flaws, stuff happens. So 99% of the time, the earliest I can announce a kit is AS I’m releasing that kit!

So what CAN you do if you want a specific kit?  Send me a nice notecard so I know it exists! Then, even more importantly, send the creator a nice notecard so they know I exist!

(Frankly, I often get ignored by most Mesh Makers until they have already decided to go Omega, so it’s much more important to send them NCs then to send them to me! )